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طاقة متجددة طاقة متجددة

أحدث الأخبار


2024 April 4th Week JFZ News Recommendation - TORMACH'S 1500MX CNC MILL

Tormach, a US-based manufacturer of CNC machines and industrial robotics, introduces its latest innovation: the Tormach 1500MX Mill. Representing apex Tormach’s engineering prowess, marks significant leap forward in power, precision, affordability …


2024 April 3rd Week JFZ News Recommendation - NSK Develops 7th Generation Low-Friction Tapered Roller Bearings

Helping to improve fuel/electricity efficiency in all forms of mobility: ICE, HEV, PHEV, and EV ● Reduces rolling friction by optimizing the number rollers ● Improves consumption across entire range automobile speeds achieving an average 20% reduction …


Improvement on assembly process for deep groove ball bearing with ball gap

Abstract: In view of inefficiency manual pressing ball craft, the labor intensity being big and easy to miss balls about deep groove bearings with gap,a kind automatic assembly machine was developed realize function filling moving products, improve …


Structural Improvement on Insert Deep Groove Ball Bearings 607

1 Bearing usage conditions and problems607 Insert spherical deep groove ball bearings are used in a multi-function tool. The working principle of the tool (Figure 1) is: motor rotates at high speed, due to eccentricity between axis mating part rotor outer …

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